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Japanese IV: Contemporary Japanese Literary Works for Reading & Discussion (312-1-20)


Junko Sato
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Office 4-347
Office Hours: Varies quarter to quarter, please check with instructor.

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 213: Mon, Wed 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Kresge 4438 Asian LC Sem Rm: Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

AY25: In this course, students will enhance their language skills by exploring literary materials in Japanese and discussing them. While literature courses in Japanese studies emphasize historical contexts and specific analytical frameworks for the texts, this course focuses on students' own engagement with and language analysis of written works. The course materials include poems, essays, manga, short stories, and novels. Supplementary movies may be provided depending on their availability.

Registration Requirements

Students must have completed JAPANESE 211-3 with C- or above, or must be placed into the class by the departmental placement test.

Learning Objectives

1) Enhancing language proficiency in reading and speaking to Advanced-Low in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 2) Explore various literary genres and identifying their stylistic elements and themes, 3) Developing critical thinking skills by analyzing texts from multiple perspectives, and 4) Becoming an autonomous learner through examining strategies to achieve proficiency independently.

Teaching Method

Discussion. This course is conducted in Japanese.

Evaluation Method

Participation, assignments, projects, oral and written exams.

Class Materials (Required)

All materials will be provided via Canvas.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have passed Japanese 211-3 with at least a C- or be placed in according to placement test results. Prerequisite: Students must have passed Japanese 211-3 with at least a C- or be placed in according to placement test results.