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Humanities Explorations (260-0-23)


Minds+Machines: Philosophical Issues in Generative


Megan Hyska
Kresge 3-349

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-415: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Minds and Machines: Philosophical Issues in Generative AI

This course will take up a number of philosophical questions about generative artificial intelligence. Are generative AI models agents? Do they pose unique existential risks to humans? What does the surge in AI-generated content mean for art, social media, and politics? We will explore these questions through readings from philosophers, computer scientists, and others in the cognitive and social sciences.

Class Materials (Required)

All class materials will be available on Canvas at NO cost to the student.

Class Attributes

Interdisciplinary Distro-rules apply