College Seminar - European History (101-7-22)
Silk Road Empires
Jeff Eden
Meeting Info
Allison Residential Comm 1021: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
The Crossroads of the World. The Pivot of History. The Graveyard of Empires. For all its grand nicknames, Central Eurasia remains a region little studied in the West. This course endeavors to separate fact from fantasy while introducing the social, cultural, and political history of Central Eurasia from medieval times to the modern age. Special topics include the rise and rule of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane; nomadic society in the steppe; cultural encounters and diverse religious traditions; and the rise of the Russian Empire.
Learning Objectives
• Evaluate textual arguments for their usefulness, cohesiveness, and logic. • Identify and access relevant information sources. • Use effective oral expression strategies in making a formal presentation. • Demonstrate effective written communication with use of revision. • Participate responsibly and respectfully in informal group discussions.
Evaluation Method
Short response papers, final essay, participation, attendance
Class Attributes
WCAS College Seminar
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.
Add Consent: Department Consent Required
Drop Consent: Department Consent Required