American Cultural History: 19th C. (317-1-20)
Susan J Pearson
Harris Hall - Room 338
Meeting Info
Harris Hall L06: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
This course examines major themes and shifts in American culture over the period 1820-1890. The course will consider: popular theatre, including blackface minstrelsy; urban entertainments and cultural authority; backwoods brawling; sentimental fiction and antebellum women's culture; the emergence of cultural categories for "high" and "low" art; and the emergence of mass culture in the industrial age. Students will be introduced not only to "more" history, but also to different methods of "doing" history.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will understand the development of a distinctive American popular culture, the role of African-Americans in the creation of American culture, and the interplay between popular and elite forms of culture in the United States.
Evaluation Method
Discussion, Papers, Final Exam
Class Notes
History Area of Concentration: Americas
Class Attributes
Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Historical Studies Distro Area
U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity