Advanced Creative Expression in German speaking (303-0-1)
Franziska Lys
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Rm 3317
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-319: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
This course is designed to help students improve their listening comprehension and speaking skills to become creative, independent, and sophisticated users of spoken German. A variety of exercises will guide students through increasingly complex speaking tasks such as descriptions, historical narratives, reports, discussions, and short debates. We will use a variety of materials such as authentic material from the German press, German television, news broadcasts, documentaries and film excerpts for interpretive activities and discussions. The class will be tailored to students` interests and needs.
This course is taught in German
Registration Requirements
High intermediate skills in listening, reading, and speaking German
Teaching Method
This course will focus on a student-centered approach with emphasis on class discussion, individual oral presentations, and smaller group projects. You are expected to prepare for each class thoroughly, review vocabulary, phrases and discussion topics. The better you are prepared the more lively the discussions. Playing close attention to what is being said in class and then try to build on the words used will be a helpful strategy.
Class participation, Discussion, Films/Videos, Group Work, Listening Exercises, some Online Work
Evaluation Method
The final grade will be based on:
• Attendance, class participation, regular homework
• Oral presentations, Interviews and recordings
• Short Quizzes
• Final Presentation
Class Materials (Required)
materials through Canvas, videos will be online
Class Attributes
Advanced Expression
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity