Focus Writing (205-0-1)
Ingrid Zeller
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Rm 3319
Meeting Info
University Hall 312: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
This content-based course is designed for students who wish to improve their linguistic skills with a focus on writing and a review of grammar in order to become independent, confident, and proficient writers and communicators in German. The thematic basis for the course is the city of Berlin and the personalities, places, historical events, cultural and artistic trends, and visions that have shaped this unique, diverse, dynamic, and fascinating city during the twentieth and are shaping it during the twenty-first century. Course materials will include materials from a variety of sources, fictional works by German-speaking authors, current news features, cultural reports, feature films, excerpts from a television series, and short films. We will also plan an excursion to Chicago to explore connections between Chicago and Berlin with a focus on architecture and on German heritage. You will have many chances to express yourselves creatively in formal as well as informal contexts, including a course-based student magazine.
This class is taught in German
Registration Requirements
German 102-3 or instructor's consent
Teaching Method
Evaluation Method
Class participation
Group work
Peer assessment
Project, final
Writing assignments
Class Materials (Required)
Course Packet: Berlin (Hi)stories and the Faces of the Metropolis (2023 by Ingrid Zeller); avaiable online and at Quartet Copies