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Supervised Global Health Research (310-1-1)


Maternal Health in the 20th Century


Sarah Rodriguez
1800 Sherman Ave Suite 1-200, Evanston

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-339: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Maternal health, in particular, maternal mortality, is a significant concern in global health, and in this class we will consider the historical roots of two areas of focus on improving maternal health and reducing maternal mortality: women having access to skilled birth attendants and birth control options. We will look at this broad international concern by focusing on the work of one organization in the 1960s-1970s, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), by examining their papers, held at the Wellcome Library and Archives in London. We will visit the library the week before classes start and this research will form the basis of the seminar course during the quarter. This class will culminate in a major paper using the primary sources from the ICM research done in London.

Class Materials (Required)

All required materials will be available on Canvas.

Class Attributes

No Freshmen