Advanced Writing: Finding Your Voice in French (302-0-20)
Dominique Licops
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-175
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-339: Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Perfect your written expression in French and learn to write in a variety of genres such as portrait, summary, review of film or performance, explication de texte, correspondence, interview, editorial, documentary research and creative writing. Practice is organized according to language functions (describing, summarizing, persuading, hypothesizing, etc.) and communicative needs. You will review vocabulary and grammar as needed and develop awareness of appropriate styles of writing, learning their characteristics by reading authentic material.
Registration Requirements
French 202, French 301 or permission of the instructor.
Learning Objectives
Through the regular practice of different types of writing coupled with watchful reading and review of grammatical concepts, you will acquire a much greater ease in writing, a greater accuracy and will develop a more French way of expressing yourself.
Teaching Method
Careful guided observation of French texts will be used in order to help you develop a good sense of how to write in a French style for a variety of purposes.
Evaluation Method
Final grades will be based on weekly written assignments, the portfolio, attendance and participation.
Class Materials (Required)
-Guide du cours (pdf on Canvas)
-Denise Rochat, Contrastes, grammaire du français courant (2nd. ed.), available at Norris (approx. $35.00)
-Micro Robert de poche (or a good French-French dictionary), available at Norris.
-Harper-Collins-Robert (or another large (over 250,000 words) French-English, English-French dictionary), available at Norris ($55 New/$41.25 Used)
Class Notes
Please contact Student Services Enrichment Office ( for help and information about low cost options for textbooks.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed FRENCH 202-0 or a test score of 5 in AP French. Other students may register with instructor permission.