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Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present (323-2-20)


Benjamin Chabot

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L361: Mon, Wed 6:30PM - 7:50PM

Overview of class

The course examines the economic development of the United States since the Civil War to the present. It focuses on both long-term economic trends (like technological advance and industrialization) and the economic causes and consequences of particular events (like the Great Depression).

Registration Requirements

ECON 281,ECON 310-1,ECON 311

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have taken ECON 310-1 or MMSS 211-1 and ECON 281 or ECON 381-1 or MATH 386-1 or IEMS 304 or STAT 350 to successfully enroll in this course.

Associated Classes

DIS - Technological Institute L361: Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM