Geobiology (370-0-01)
Magdalena Osburn
Tech F291/F292
Office Hours: by appointment
Meeting Info
Technological Institute F391: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
This course will evaluate the interplay between biological and physical processes in shaping the surface Earth. Major topics include: the role of microbes in major element cycling (C, N, S, P), historical geobiology (how has life changed the planet over time?), methodologies applied in geobiology, humans as agents of geobiology, and the related fields of astro/exobiology.
Registration Requirements
Recommended Background: EARTH 201 and Chem 131 or equivalent, or with permission from the instructor
Class Materials (Required)
Fundamentals of Geobiology, eds Knoll, Canfield, Konhauser. Wiley-Blackwell 2012, ISBN: 9781405187527 (approx $95 new, $40 rental)
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Distro Area
Associated Classes
LAB - Technological Institute F391: Fri 11:00AM - 12:50PM