Aqueous Geochemistry (310-0-01)
Andrew Jacobson
Tech F396/F398
Meeting Info
Technological Institute F285: Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Basic principles of aqueous geochemistry applied to geologic and environmental problems. Topics include thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, pH and alkalinity, carbonate equilibria, surface phenomena, redox chemistry, chemical weathering, and numerical modeling.
Registration Requirements
Recommended Background: At least 1 year of introductory chemistry is required. EARTH 310 draws from Calculus, Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry, and Differential Equations, but these courses are not strictly required. Problem sets require basic use of Microsoft Excel.
Teaching Method
Three 1-hour lectures each week.
Evaluation Method
Problem Sets (50%)
In-class Presentations (25%)
Final Paper (25%)
Class Materials (Required)
No textbook required.
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Distro Area