Studies in Literature and the Arts (487-0-1)
Music Historiography
Ryan Dohoney
Office Hours: Email instructor to arrange a meeting.
Meeting Info
Kresge 5531 Comp Lit. Sem. Rm.: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Music historiography will introduce you to various ways of writing about music both in and as history. We will explore a range of approaches drawn from musicology and beyond including general historiography, performance studies, anthropology, the history of the senses, and microhistory among others.
Learning Objectives
Though limited in scope by constraints of time and instructor inclination, the course will prepare you to think critically about your own historiographical practice as you gather archival and ethnographic sources and interpret evidence in your own work. Our studies will be put to practical use as you engage on a quarter-long archival research project.
Teaching Method
Evaluation Method
Participation, Seminar leadership, research project