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Chinese II - Accelerated (125-1-22)


Yangtian Luo
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Office 4-538
Office Hours: vaires by quarater, please contact instructor

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 314: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 1:00PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

AY25: Accelerated Chinese 125 (125-1, 2, 3) is an intermediate course primarily designed for students at ACTFL intermediate-mid level of proficiency in listening and speaking, and intermediate-low in literacy skills. This course aims to help students further hone all four skills with an emphasis on reading and writing. The literacy goal is to master 1500-2000 characters and to reach an intermediate-high level of literacy proficiency.

Registration Requirements

Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.

Learning Objectives

The goals of this course are to help students: (a) achieve a basic level of reading competency; (b) express themselves clearly in written Chinese on a variety of topics using learned grammar patterns and vocabulary; (c) reinforce their speaking proficiency on a broad range of topics; (d) cultivate their intercultural competence and ability to juxtapose and communicate across different cultures.

Teaching Method

Four regular class hours are for learning of the key vocabulary, analysis of sentence structure, familiarity with Chinese culture, awareness of different registers, and discussion of topics related to the texts and supplementary readings. Students are expected to write and report on topics that have been covered in the texts and supplementary readings.

Evaluation Method

Class performance, written assignments, oral reports, written quizzes, and a final exam.

Class Materials (Required)

Fall quarter:
Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part1 (3rd ed.);
Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company.
ISBN: 9780887276798 (textbook); 9780887276835 (workbook)
Price: $58.99(textbook); $27.99 (Workbook)

Winter quarter & Spring quarter:
Textbook and workbook : Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part2 (3rd ed.);
Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Company.
ISBN: 9780887276880 (textbook); 9780887276927 (workbook)
Price: $59.99(textbook); $28.99

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have passed Chinese 115-3 with at least a C- or be placed in according to placement test results.