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Chinese II (121-1-22)


Chin-Hung Chang
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Office, 4-532
Office Hours: Varies quarter to quarter, please check with instructor.

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 314: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 12:00PM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

AY25: This year-long course is designed for students who have completed Chinese 111 at Northwestern or the equivalent elsewhere. It aims to further develop students' Chinese proficiency through: (1) consolidating the foundation built in students' beginning modern Chinese courses; (2) introducing them to more complex grammatical structures, varieties of language styles, and cultural information. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students are expected to be able to handle various types of more complex daily conversational situations and short passages on familiar topics. Successful completion of CHINESE 121-3 will satisfy the WCAS foreign language requirement. In addition, they will reach Intermediate mid to Intermediate high in reading, writing, listening and speaking according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.

Registration Requirements

Students must pass the preceding course with C- or above, or must be placed into the course by the departmental placement test.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to

Speak in full sentence-length on topics of daily life with relative ease.
Give descriptions and presentations in a short paragraph on topics covered in the course.
Comprehend written texts on the topics covered in the course.
Demonstrate knowledge of Chinese culture covered in the course.

Teaching Method

This course is conducted mostly in Chinese. Class time mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill development. There will also be reading and writing activities and assignments. Students are expected to be fully prepared for each lesson.

Evaluation Method

Class attendance and participation, assignments, quizzes, oral tests, presentations, midterm and final exam.

Class Materials (Required)

Fall quarter
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 1B (Second Edition) Simplified Characters
Publisher: Better Chinese
ISBN: 978-1-60603-578-8 (textbook): 978-1-60603-579-5 (workbook)
Price: Price: $64.99 (textbook) $ 34.99(workbook)

Winter and Spring quarters
Textbook and workbook: Modern Chinese 2A Simplified Characters
Publisher: Better Chinese
ISBN: 978-1-60603-487-3(textbook); 978-1-60603-488-0 (workbook)
Price: $69.95 (textbook); $34.95(workbook)

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have passed Chinese 111-3 with at least a C- or be placed in according to placement test results. Prerequisite: Students must have passed Chinese 111-3 with at least a C- or be placed in according to placement test results.