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Physical Organic Chemistry I (410-1-01)


Derek Ward Nelson

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L168: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course will focus on modern topics in physical organic chemistry, emphasizing the relationship between structure and reactivity. Topics to be covered include molecular orbital theory, orbital symmetry and reactivity, conformational analysis and stereochemistry, stereoelectronic effects, intermolecular forces and solvation, transition state theory, free energy relationships and kinetic isotope effects, and reactive intermediates.

Class Materials (Required)

"1. Title: Modern Physical Organic Chemistry (latest edition)
Author: Anslyn and Dougherty
Publisher: Univ. Science Books
ISBN: 9781891389313
Approx. Price: $160 new, $75 rental or ebook

2. Title: Modern Physical Organic Chemistry - Student Solutions Manual (latest edition)
Author: Sponsler
Publisher: Univ. Science Books
ISBN: 9781891389368
Approx. Price: $65 new, $28 rental"

Class Materials (Suggested)


Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration in this class is restricted to graduate students in the Chemistry Department. Other students may register with department permission.