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Leadership in Organizations (303-0-20)


Richard Jolly
Office Hours: By Appointment
Richard is full-time Associate Clinical Professor of Management & Organizations at Kellogg. He teaches Power in Organizations (MORS 453) and Leadership in Organizations for both the MBA (MORS 430) and Kapnick Center for Business Institutions (BUS INST 303), as well as leading a GIM trip to UK and France on the theme of Leadership and Organizational Change. He contributes to many open enrollment and custom Executive Education programs at the school.

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G21: Fri 8:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class


The instructor of this course is Richard Jolly.

This course provides students with the social science tools needed to solve organizational problems and influence the actions of individuals, groups and organizations. It prepares managers to understand how to best organize and motivate the human capital of the firm, manage social networks and alliances, and execute strategic change. This is accomplished through knowledge of competitive decision making, reward system design, team building, strategic negotiation, political dynamics, corporate culture and strategic organizational design.

The goal of this course is to create, develop, and enhance your leadership skills. The course is designed to prepare you to lead high-performing, successful firms in the future and to effectively steer your own careers. These will be the twin themes of the course: (1) how to establish, manage, and lead prosperous firms and (2) how to develop a thriving career for oneself.

A key leadership task is to assemble the skills, talents, and resources of individuals and groups into those
combinations that best solve the organizational problem at hand. You must manage people, information, and
processes to accomplish organizational goals. You must make things happen, often under conditions or time
frames that are not of your own choosing. The successful execution of these goals requires leaders to be able to diagnose problems, make effective decisions, influence, and motivate others, manage the diversity of their
personal contacts, tap into and motivate the human and social capital of organizational members, optimize cross-functional teams, and drive organizational change.

This course prepares you to achieve these objectives. You will learn fundamental tools from the behavioral and
social sciences that will improve your ability to analyze organizational dynamics and take robust action.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: ECON 201 & 202

Evaluation Method

Your final grade is composed of:

  1. In-Class Professionalism 20%

  2. Reflection Memos 40%

  3. Final Exam 40%

Class Materials (Required)

No textbook is required. course packet will cost approximately $70.45. Other class material will be available to students via Course Reserves and Canvas.

Class Notes

There are no wait lists for BUS_INST courses. If the class closes before your registration time, please check back.

The final exam for BUS_INST 303 will be in-person during finals week. Please plan accordingly.

For more information, please view sample syllabus:

Class Attributes

Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Any combination of ECON 201/ECON 311/AP-IB Macro AND ECON 202/ECON 310/MMSS 211-1/AP-IB Micro credit is required to register for this course.