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Modeling Biological Dynamics (338-0-1)


Rosemary I Braun

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M152: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Life is an inherently dynamic process, and the dynamics at every scale of organization -- from the atomic self-assembly of macromolecular complexes to the interactions of species in an ecology -- can give rise to surprising outcomes. Predicting and modulating those dynamics requires the development of accurate mathematical and computational models. In this class, you will learn about mathematical and computational techniques for analyzing and predicting biological dynamics. Techniques will include statistical models, discrete- and continuous- time dynamical models, and stochastic models. Applications will cover a range of scales, from biomolecules to population dynamics, with an emphasis on common mathematical concepts and computational techniques, the interpretation of existing data, and making predictions for new experiments.

Registration Requirements

An introductory course in calculus, statistics, or linear algebra (at least one of MATH 218/220, MATH 240, STAT 202, or BIOL_SCI 337, or the equivalent), or permission of instructor. No prior programming knowledge is assumed, although it will be helpful. Curiosity and fearlessness are required.

Teaching Method

Lecture and in-class group work

Evaluation Method

Quizzes (10%), Homework (40%), Participation (20%), Project & Presentation (30%)

Class Materials (Required)

Alan Garfinkel, Jane Shevtsov, and Yina Guo. Modeling Life. Springer (2017). ISBN 978-3319597300


Stephen P. Ellner and John Guckenheimer. Dynamic Models in Biology. Princeton (2006). ISBN 9780691125893

Class Materials (Suggested)

Nicholas F Britton, Essential Mathematical Biology. Springer (2003).


Class Attributes

Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Formal Studies Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: at least one of MATH 218-1, MATH 220-1, MATH 240-0, STAT 202-0, BIOL_SCI 337-0, OR equivalent.