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Studio (390-0-23)


Containers and Frames: Expanding Video Practice


Curtis Byrnside Miller

Meeting Info

Kresge 1530 Art Studio: Tues, Thurs 1:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

Part of a video's strength is its malleability. It is easily duplicated, can exist in multiple places at once, and can shift in scale. Through employing various exhibition methods, in this video-based studio course students will explore how context and form influence both a viewer's experience and a video's meaning. We will watch works in different sizes and shapes, in different venues. We'll watch bootlegs and degraded copies, to see how our perspectives shift. We will make work for different screens, sometimes multiple screens at once, and watch our work in a variety of contexts. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, readings, screenings, technical assignments, an individual project and a final group exhibition in Kresge Hall. Prior experience with digital editing suites like Premiere Pro is welcomed but not required.

Class Materials (Required)

Course costs and materials will vary with student's own work and research.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Undergraduate Students Only