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Arabic III (211-1-20)


Fatima Khan
Crowe Hall 4-111

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 110: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This is an intermediate level three-quarter sequence in which students will continue to advance their proficiency in Arabic language and learn more about the culture and the people of the Middle East. The course follows the integrated approach which blends the standard Arabic, Fuṣḥā, and the dialect or colloquial language, āmmiyya, in a way that reflects the authentic practice of native Arabic speakers. The integrated approach is an effective, logical, and economical method of instruction that successfully teaches the complexities of the Arabic sociolinguistic and diglossic situation and prepares students fully for the realities of the Arabic world. The course will enhance learners' ability to read, write, understand and discuss challenging authentic Arabic text from different sources. Readings may include various textual resources from newspapers, magazines, journal articles, audio and video clips, short stories and other relevant material.

We will continue to work with Arabiyyat Al-Naas, Volume two, second edition. We will do some review of salient features of chapters 1,2,3 and 4 and then cover chapters 5, 6,7 and 8 in our textbook. The topics are Food and Drink, Arab Music, The Arab Woman, and Politics and Human Rights.

Registration Requirements

Arabic 121-3 with a C- or equivalent

Learning Objectives

Students completing the two-quarter sequence of Arabic 211, will enhance their language skills to a level that will enable them to comprehend authentic texts on familiar topics as well as recognizing main ideas. Students will also have learned enough vocabulary and idioms to hold short conversations with native Arabic speakers on familiar topics and discuss basic cultural ideas. Improved clarity and intonation will be clearly noticeable in students' pronunciation, reading, short individual and group presentations.

Teaching Method

This is a highly interactive class, focusing on developing reading, listening, writing and speaking. Special emphasis will be placed on reading skills and developing conversational skills through small interactive group work activities designed to increase your accuracy and fluency. Advanced challenging grammar discussions in class will lead to a more nuanced understanding of the Arabic language.

Evaluation Method

Homework assignments based on weekly readings, vocabular, and exercises, class participation, several short quizzes, writing / listening activities, and an oral, final task.

Class Materials (Required)

Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two, Second Edition): An Intermediate Course in Arabic. Munther; Al-Masri., Featherstone, Huntley, Weatherspoon. (2023) Publisher: Routledge. Paperback: 9781138353114, Hardback: 9781138353107, eBook: 9780429434402

Class Notes

This class is taught in Arabic. It meets three times a week (MWF) for 70 minutes. Students must always attend class.