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The Situation of Writing (392-CN-14)


Susan Harris
Susan Harris is the editorial director of Words without Borders (, the online journal of literature in translation. She is the editor, with Ilya Kaminsky, of THE ECCO ANTHOLOGY OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY. She was previously director and editor in chief of Northwestern University Press, where she founded the Hydra imprint in literature in translation, and where her authors included 2002 Nobelist Imre Kertész and 2008 Nobelist Herta Müller.

Meeting Info

Wieboldt Hall 516: Tues 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

Writing students are well-versed in literary tradition, but often have limited knowledge of the industry in which they hope to participate. We'll discuss the history of literary journal publishing in the U.S., with a particular focus on the role of these magazines in shaping and reflecting literary culture. At all points students will consider their roles as writers and readers. We'll consider topics in the history and current state of journal publishing, including the establishment of magazines, the evolution of print and digital models, the role of universities, the effects of the Internet and digital publishing on conventional structures, the introduction and impact of electronic reading devices, cultivation and maintenance of readership, and related matters. The course will include lectures, discussions, and at least one guest speaker. By the end of the quarter, students will have a firm grasp of the book publishing industry and a well-developed sense of the writer's position within it.

Registration Requirements

This course is suitable for students with junior or senior standing with strong literary backgrounds.

Class Attributes

Face to face: In person, in campus space