Reading and Writing Fiction (207-CN-62)
Lisa Stolley
Lisa Stolley has been teaching fiction and creative nonfiction courses at NU SPS for nearly a decade. In addition to teaching, she is a creative and professional writer. Her fiction has appeared in numerous literary journals, including Florida Review, Passages North, Other Voices, Washington Review, and others. She is a recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Award and a Pushcart Prize nominee. She earned an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Program for Writers at University of Illinois, Chicago.
Meeting Info
Online: Mon 6:15PM - 9:15PM
Overview of class
For novice fiction writers, ENGLISH 207 will introduce students to the narrative necessities for creating character -driven literary fiction. The course will start off with close reading of published short stories and writing exercises, which will help you to recognize and apply such components of fiction as conflict, characterization, setting, use of detail, and more. Students will then embark on the creation of their own short stories, which will be workshopped in class so as to provide constructive feedback for revisions. A completed short story will be due at the end of the quarter.
Registration Requirements
This class may not be audited or taken P/N. Advanced composition class and strong basic writing skills highly recommended.
Learning Objectives
Become close, discerning readers, with a keen eye for what goes into the whole of an effective story.
Become close, insightful readers of your own work, able to identify what will benefit from revision, and open to suggestion and constructive criticism.
Experience the satisfaction and struggle of writing a complete short story.
Learn the incredible beauty and power of language.
Teaching Method
Group work
Writing assignments
Evaluation Method
Based on holistic evaluation of participation in class and workshop; quality of exercises and short story drafts; revision improvement from drafts to final story. Attendance is important.
Class Materials (Required)
To be announced.
Class Attributes
Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time