Introduction to Applied Econometrics (281-CN-12)
Deepasriya Sampath Kumar
Meeting Info
Wieboldt Hall 711: Thurs 6:15PM - 9:15PM
Overview of class
The purpose of this course is to guide students with the understanding and interpretation of economic data. There are many issues that arise when using economic data as compared to scientifically controlled data. Econometrics is the methodology used for solving these problems. This course is your basic introduction to econometrics. Course topics will include basic data analysis, regression analysis, functional forms, heteroskedasticity, serial correlation, and forecasting. We will be using actual economic data to address most of the issues studied in class.
Registration Requirements
STAT 202 or equivalent.
Evaluation Method
Class Participation/Attendance
Group Project
Class Materials (Required)
Texts may include the following. Confirm course texts and materials by contacting instructor or viewing course Canvas site or University bookstore website.
A. H. Studenmund. Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide (7th)
ISBN 978-0134182742
Texts can be found at
Class Attributes
Face to face: In person, in campus space