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Topics in Improv (358-0-20)


Intro to Improv


Geoffrey T Rice

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 106: Wed 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

Students will learn a wide variety of introductory and intermediate Improv games and styles. Any level of previous improv or acting experience (including none at all) is welcome. Emphasis will be placed on building ensemble and a sense of play.

Class Materials (Required)

A Journal or Notebook (devoted to this class only)
Textbook: Napier, Mick. "Impovise: Scene from the Inside Out," Meriwether Publishing ISBN-978-1566081986 (Available for as little as $13 on Amazon)
Students will be required to attend one off-campus improv show of their choice (ticket prices will vary, often students can find free or pay-what-you can shows)