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Editing (372-0-20)


Paloma Martinez

Meeting Info

Fisk Hall B-1: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

Over the quarter, students will spend a majority of their time endeavoring hands-on practice with Adobe Premiere Pro through in-class workshops, weekly video editing exercises, and 3 major editing projects that are to be completed outside of class. Projects will cover a range of editing techniques and organizational practices found in short form and feature length documentary, narrative, and experimental films. The screening of short films and a selection of feature length films will play an important role in shaping an understanding of editing principles.

Registration Requirements

Must have completed and passed RTVF 190 to enroll.

Learning Objectives

Students learn the basics of using non-linear editing software, implement standard editing cuts in their work, develop their artistic voice as future film/video editors, and gain a functional perspective on how to conduct business as editors outside of the classroom.

-Describe how films watched in and outside of class fit into the larger discussion of film/video editing.
-Explain ideas from lectures and assigned readings as they relate to film editing.
-Demonstrate a technical understanding of film editing techniques and the tools used to achieve the goals of their assignments.
-Compose projects that implement editing techniques/disciplines covered in class and that show a development of their editing style.

Class Materials (Required)

Adobe Premiere Pro required, $150 hard drive costs optional.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have completed RTVF 190-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed) or be a student in Writing: MFA or Documentary Media: MFA programs