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Studies in Performance (410-0-1)


Marcela Fuentes

Meeting Info

AM Swift Krause Studio 103: Thurs 12:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

This course focuses on the conceptualization and making of public performance. Guided by NU's Performance Studies tradition of literary adaptation and performed ethnography, we will engage with current developments in creative practice as research towards centering embodiment in knowledge production and dissemination. The course aims to prepare first-year doctoral students in Performance Studies for the graduate performance and it welcomes students from other programs who are interested in exploring the relationship between aesthetics, critical inquiry, and multimodal communication. Through critical essays, in-class discussions, performance workshops, and performance presentations we will investigate what it means to use the body, liveness, objects, and storytelling as research and communication media. The aim of the course is to explore performance as a meaning-making and transformative practice, paying close attention to the role of embodied expression as a central component of critical inquiry.