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Master of Science in Communication Seminar Topics (529-0-10)


Design Thinking and Innovation


Elizabeth Gerber

Meeting Info

Ford Studio 3 Rm 3210: Sa 2:00PM - 5:00PM

Overview of class

This graduate studio course on design thinking aims to equip students with essential skills for creative problem-solving. The studio course will introduce students to the principles and mindsets of design thinking. Students will learn how to approach complex problems by emphasizing empathy, creativity, and iterative processes. Students will explore various problem spaces, identifying opportunities for improvement, understanding diverse stakeholders' needs, motivations, and pain points. Students will reframe problems to uncover new perspectives, develop guiding hypotheses, lead brainstorming sessions, rapidly build and test prototypes, and present concepts visually and verbally. The class will include a mix of reading materials, lectures, in-class workshops, and collaborative group work.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Only students in the MSC Custom Leadership Program may enroll in this class.