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Master of Science in Communication Seminar Topics (529-0-7)


Power in Organizations


Richard Jolly
Office Hours: By Appointment

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 1483: Sa 2:00PM - 5:00PM

Overview of class

Power, status and influence are topics that make many people a little uncomfortable. However, their existence permeates all aspects of organizational and social life. Power and influence are the key mechanisms by which things get done. We have a good understanding of the rules that determine who gets to positions of power and of the tactics necessary to exercise power with integrity. This course is designed to familiarize you with concepts useful for understanding power and influence, and to provide you with tools to analyze power dynamics in organizations. More importantly, this course will encourage you to think about your own personal path to power (which can include, of course, a path away from power), and to develop your ability to exercise influence. Don't be naïve about how the world works - understand the ‘rules of the game' and come up with your own strategy to enable you to achieve your career goals.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Only students in the MSC Custom Leadership Program may enroll in this class.