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Foundations of Clinical and Professional Practice (409-5-1)


Diane Novak

Meeting Info

2315 Campus Dr Clinic 1620: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Professional issues for audiologists, including professional communication, emotionally intelligent leadership, clinical decision-making theory and practice, critical thinking, and theoretical-clinical integration of knowledge and skills. 5) Cross-Cultural Competency.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
1) Discuss supervision methods and strategies and ways to improve their effectiveness.
2) Describe how personal temperament type, motivational style, and learning style affect clinical relationships.
3) Apply the principles of person-centered practice.
4) Identify when and how to initiate critical conversations with preceptors and, once practicing, students.

Evaluation Method

Reflections, once weekly assignments
Reflections/writings should be completed individually
Discussion of assigned readings

Class Materials (Required)

None. Articles distributed throughout the quarter.

Materials are posted on Canvas

Class Notes

CSD 409-5 is a lecture/discussion class designed to give AuD students insight into the roles of students and clinical educators, including how motivation and learning styles contribute to the clinical education process. This class will also cover topics such as counseling, patient-centered practice, reflective practice, and effective communication with patients.