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Introduction to Hearing and Speech Acoustics (110-0-1)


Jeanette A Ortiz

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2378: Mon, Wed, Fri 4:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Introduction to Hearing and Speech Acoustics (1 Unit). Introduction to acoustics, measurement of hearing, and the acoustical properties of speech sounds. Sound waves; standards of measuring magnitude; audiograms; source-filter theory; spectrograms.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Explain the fundamental properties of sound waves.
2. Generate and interpret visual representations of acoustic data.
3. Identify key anatomical structures of the vocal and hearing mechanisms, and explain their functions.
4. Apply the concepts of tube resonance and filters to hearing and speech.
5. Summarize the Acoustic Theory of Speech Production.
6. Describe acoustic characteristics of vowels and consonants.
7. Compare and contrast different standards of measuring magnitude.

Teaching Method

Lectures will be presented in recorded videos that can be watched asynchronously. Class time will be used for Q&A, exercises and activities, discussions, office hours, and tests.

Evaluation Method

• Attendance and participation
• Weekly reflections on lectures
• Written exercises and assignments
• Lab assignments
• 3 unit tests
• Group review during the final exam period

Class Materials (Required)

• Readings and lecture videos (available on Canvas), $0
• Speech analysis software: PRAAT (free download,, $0

Class Materials (Suggested)

Available on Canvas:
• Exercises and slides

On reserve at the library: (Amazon prices subject to change)
• Denes, P. and Pinson E. The Speech Chain, 2nd Edition. Waveland Press, Inc. (Price ~$42 (Amazon new paperback; other options may be available).)
• Johnson, K. Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics, 3rd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. (Price ~$38 (Amazon new paperback; other options may be available).

Class Notes

The course will provide a foundation of basic acoustics as related to speech and hearing. Fundamental properties of sound waves, resonance, and filters will be introduced, then applied to both speech production, including acoustic characteristics of speech sounds, and the auditory processing and perception of sound. An overview of anatomy and physiology for both speech and hearing mechanisms will be included.