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Introduction to Clinical Methods (472-0-20)


Stephanie McCabe

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 1441: Tues, Thurs 8:00AM - 9:20AM

Overview of class

Exploration of the fundamentals of clinical methods, including the concepts of behavior change, session design, and functional, client-focused treatment. Discussion of data collection and documentation methods. Introduction to the assessment process.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to do the following:
1. Explain and apply the concept of treatment and apply to SLP service provision
2. Differentiate between treatment targets and treatment procedures
3. Explain the components of behavior modification and identify components during observation
4. Describe and differentiate among the concepts of reinforcement and feedback and identify instances of use during observation
5. Describe different methods and schedules of reinforcement and identify instances of use during observation
6. Describe relevant information needed from client medical history, diagnostic information, and prior treatment
7. Identify and differentiate between long-term and short-term goals
8. Describe the concepts of functionality and client-centeredness when planning treatment
9. Describe the rationale and method for obtaining baselines and/or initial treatment data
10. Describe the concept of modeling, including immediate modeling, delayed modeling, and fading, and identify instances of use during observation
11. Describe the concept of shaping behaviors and identify instances of use during observation
12. Describe the concepts of verbal and nonverbal prompting or cueing and identify instances of use during observation
13. Describe the concept of hierarchy as it relates to goal complexity
14. Explain proxemics as they relate to session design and identify instances of use during observation
15. Describe the concepts of discrimination, generalization, and maintenance
16. Describe the principles of adult learning as they apply to supporting the primary communication partner to implement strategies during everyday settings and interactions
17. Compare and contrast efficacy of a variety of activities and materials in eliciting target behaviors and identify instances of use during observation
18. List and describe methods for accurate and reliable data recording during treatment sessions and identify instances of use during observation
19. Describe elements of a SOAP note and create a SOAP note based on observation experience
20. Describe elements of a session plan and create a sample session plan based on observation experience
21. Explain the importance of and practice self-assessment skills and goals setting behaviors for personal/professional development
22. Describe and differentiate among the concepts of screening, assessment, and diagnosis
23. Describe and differentiate among the concepts of diagnosis, prognosis, and eligibility
24. Explain the purpose and goals of assessment

Evaluation Method

• Class Applications analyzing clinic videos to demonstrate clinical knowledge and provide a small group analysis of content
• Weekly Reflections to demonstrate clinical knowledge and provide individual analysis.
• Practice Quizzes to build clinical knowledge and documentation skills

Class Materials (Required)

1) Roth, F. & Worthington, C. (2025). Treatment Resource Manual for Speech-Language Pathology, 7th edition.
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-653-2

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for SLL Speech & Language Pathology students