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Evaluation and Treatment of Balance Disorders (429-0-1)


Katherine Swem

Meeting Info

2315 Campus Dr Clinic 1620: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Evaluation and treatment of individuals with balance disorders, including electrophysiologic evaluation of the vestibular system.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: CSD 425-0 and CSD 428-0, or consent of instructor.

Learning Objectives

• Describe how clinically available tests assess the function of peripheral and central mechanisms of the vestibular and related sensory systems.
• Learn to identify candidacy for vestibular assessment and to administer bedside and clinical tests of vestibular function including gait and postural assessments, positioning/positional tests, video nystagmography, and electrophysiological tests including measuring vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials.
• Understand the technical components of advanced diagnostic tests including computerized posturography, rotary chair, and canalith repositioning chairs.
• Accurately relate case history and clinical findings to underlying pathology and/or site of lesion.
• Based on a comprehensive clinical assessment, develop appropriate recommendations for referral and rehabilitation.
• Based on presenting patient-related factors including test results (i.e. age, severity of symptoms, motivation, and other complicating conditions), report expected evidence-based outcomes of various management options for given pathologies (e.g. medication, surgery, physical therapy, etc.) based on presenting patient-related factors.

Evaluation Method

Assigned hands-on lab work, written assignments, case reports, and exams.

Class Materials (Required)

Electronystamography/Videonystagmography, Second Edition (Core Clinical Concepts in Audiology). Devin L. McCaslin. Plural Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1635500813
ISBN-10: 1635500818

Dizziness and Vertigo across the Lifespan!/browse/book/3-s2.0-C20160054153

Vertigo and Dizziness: common complaints, Second Edition

Materials are posted on Canvas
Class allows prior editions of textbook
Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)

Class Notes

This course provides instruction in the concepts and test techniques for the assessment and management of the dizzy patient. Lectures and hands-on practicum will explore pathologies related to vestibular signs and symptoms and tests of vestibular function and related sensory systems with emphasis on the VNG test battery components, delivery, and interpretation. Multi-disciplinary treatment and management of vestibular disorders will also be discussed.