Evaluation of the Peripheral Hearing Mechanism (423-0-1)
Lauren Kelly
Meeting Info
2315 Campus Dr Clinic 1620: Mon 6:00PM - 8:40PM
Overview of class
Basic audiometric and immittance techniques; interpretation of test results. Introduction to amplification systems. Lecture and laboratory.
Learning Objectives
1. Students will understand how to administer tests of peripheral auditory function. 2. Students will be able to interpret results of these tests. 3. Students will understand the value a of patient-centered approach. 4. Students will be able to describe which test protocols to use based on patient presentation. 5. Students will understand the underlying physiology and psychophysics of commonly used clinical tests. 6. Students will be able to describe the necessary tools needed for testing and how to maintain them
Evaluation Method
Written exam and practical.
Class Materials (Required)
Handbook of Clinical Audiology 7th Edition
Author: Jack Katz, PhD
ISBN: 9781451191639
Wolters Kluwer publishing
Resource is on reserve at the library
Materials are posted on Canvas
PowerPoint will be available prior to lecture. Additional online readings will also be posted to prior to lecture.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Notebook/laptop for note taking.