Experimental Design and Statistics in Communication Sciences and Disorders (404-1-1)
Mercedes Spencer
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 2378: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Introduction to research design and data analysis in communication sciences and disorders; statistical inference.
Registration Requirements
This course is open to PhD students.
Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this course, students should be able to:
• Distinguish between descriptive and inferential statistics.
• Select appropriate inferential statistics to test hypotheses.
• Compute basic statistics by hand and conduct statistical tests using R statistical software.
• Understand the results of statistical tests and their interpretations.
• Develop foundational knowledge and skills needed for more advanced courses in statistics and/or research methods.
Evaluation Method
Weekly assignments, participation, and exams.
Class Materials (Required)
• Computer
• Scientific calculator
• Textbook (free; open source): Illowsky, B. & Dean, S. (2023). Introductory Statistics 2e. [Available at: https://openstax.org/details/books/introductory-statistics-2e]
• Software programs: R statistical software [Available at: https://cran.r-project.org/] and R-Studio [Available at: https://www.rstudio.com/]
• Additional materials will be posted on Canvas
Class Notes
This course will introduce students to concepts and methods fundamental to statistics and provide practical experience for the application of statistical methods relevant to research in communication sciences and disorders. Throughout the quarter, we will cover a wide variety of topics, including data sampling and levels of measurement, central tendency and variability, probability and confidence intervals, data distributions, hypothesis testing, chi-square tests, linear regression and correlation, and analysis of variance. Students will learn how to conduct analyses using R statistical software.