Anatomy and Physiology of the Vocal Mechanism (301-0-1)
Aaron Wilkins
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 3220: Tues, Thurs 8:00AM - 9:20AM
Overview of class
Anatomical and physiological mechanisms of breathing, phonation, and articulation. Laboratory included.
Learning Objectives
Describe muscular and non-muscular mechanisms responsible for breathing and speech production. Describe laryngeal muscular adjustments necessary for sound production and voice frequency changes. Describe how the articulators, jaw, lips, tongue and soft palate produce or modify sounds of speech. Describe muscular adjustments involved in swallowing.
Evaluation Method
Grades for the course will be determined by combining a weighted sum of grades from all exams, projects, presentations, and the average discussion score. Grades will be converted to a letter grade.
Class Materials (Required)
Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing (Seventh Edition) J. Anthony Seikel, David G. Drumright, Daniel J. Hudock. Plural Publishing. ISBN13: 978-1-63550-628-0
Resource is on reserve at library
Class allows prior editions of textbook
Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)
Class Materials (Suggested)
Additional materials will be posted on Canvas.
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Distro Area