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SoC First Year Seminar: Interdisciplinary Topics in Communication Arts & Sciences (101-0-2)


Global Pop: Musical Voices in Practice and History


Shayna Silverstein

Melissa Foster

Meeting Info

Wirtz 101 Performnce Black Box: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Explore pop and pop-adjacent music styles of the US and beyond. Through listening, readings, discussion, and in-class group vocal activities, this course will examine the sounds, histories, and politics of popular music worldwide.

Registration Requirements

Enrollment is restricted to SoC undergraduate first year students.

Learning Objectives

1. Students will engage critical thinking skills while exploring the breadth of School of Communication creative and research endeavors.

2. Students will identify key factors relevant to the course topics, differentiate between multiple perspectives and interpretations, and explain how at least two School of Communication disciplines might approach a given topic.

3. Students will experiment with research and communication conventions associated with School of
Communication disciplines.

4. Students will demonstrate their ability to communicate ideas and/or experiences compellingly by using appropriate research tools, soliciting feedback, employing disciplinary conventions, and addressing audience expectations.

5. Students will collaborate with peers from different SoC majors to highlight the benefits of interdisciplinary

6. Students will collaborate with peers across different majors to successfully complete at least one group project and reflect upon the skills employed to accomplish that task.

Class Attributes

SOC First-Year Seminar