Civic Engagement 1- Participatory Policymaking (195-1-20)
Matthew Wayne Easterday
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall 101: Fri 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
The Civic Engagement Certificate prepares motivated students to make a positive impact in their communities by organizing and mobilizing to implement policy. In the certificate, you learn by doing, in a community of like-minded students and community partners to make real world impact.
The "first year" certificate classes include:
SESP 195a (Fall) Participatory policymaking. Policy implementation involves more than just identifying and researching options, policymakers must, consider design program design, costs & sustainability; political feasibility, and building political support. In this class, you will learn how to design policy for implementation through Northwestern's Participatory Budgeting process.
SESP 195b (Winter) - Participatory budgeting. Democracy gives limited opportunities for citizens to influence decision-making. In this class you will learn to implement open democracy innovations, that are more inclusive, more representative, and lead to better policy outcomes, by implementing a campus-wide participatory budgeting process, where community decides how to spend $1000 to address climate change.
SESP 195c (Spring) - Organizing, gathering & policy implementation for social change. How do we motivate people to take action? In this class, you will learn the techniques of relational organizing (canvassing, one-on-ones, public narrative), designing civic gatherings (Civic Saturdays) that move people to action to build social movements. You will also oversee policy implementation of community development projects selected in the participatory budgeting process.
Students must complete an interest form and interview to be admitted to any of the first-year courses.
Registration Requirements
Application link:
Class Attributes
Registration is By Application Only