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Theory & Practice of Tchg in Multiling. & Multicult. Contexts: Secondary Science (476-0-20)


Dawn Novak

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall 317: Thurs 6:00PM - 8:50PM

Overview of class

The Theory & Practice of Teaching in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts course is strategically designed to support teacher candidates in applying their theoretical understandings and knowledge as they engage in the practices of observing, planning, teaching, assessing learning, and reflecting in the context of their fall practicum school placement. Asset-based pedagogies are central to the course and teacher candidates will be engaged in a variety of experiences that help them learn about their students and school communities (including understanding students' linguistic repertoires). Teacher candidates will continue to develop their understandings of language acquisition, theories of learning, content knowledge development, and effective teaching, as they analyze and explore classroom instruction (through both professional noticing in classrooms and their own teaching). A variety of methods for teaching all students, including multilingual students, (both through ESL and bilingual lenses) will be explored as well as domain-specific methods. Teacher candidates will explore strategies for making content comprehensible for all learners (including language learners) while supporting students and their development in each of the modes of communication (interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive). This course prepares teacher candidates for the transition to full-time student teacher the following quarter.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory