Schooling in America (401-0-1)
Corrie Cockrell
Meeting Info
Online: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
What is unique about the U.S. approach to teaching and learning? Why are schools organized the way they are? What does the day-to-day school experience look like for students, teachers, and families? This course will explore the development of schools in the United States by understanding the ideologies and decisions (pedagogical and political) that have shaped schools over 200 years. We will use Illinois and Chicago as case studies of the development of schools in urban, suburban, and rural communities, with a particular focus on Chicago, where public, charter, private, independent, and home schools all exist side by side. Students will explore their own schooling experience while also researching current school issues. Guest speakers from Chicagoland schools and virtual visits to some of those schools will ground our work in the realities of American education today.
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory