Foundations of Vocal Production and Practical Application (423-0-1)
Theresa A Brancaccio
MAB 711 Elgin Rd, Evanston IL
Please see faculty profiles
Meeting Info
RCMA Lower Level 111: Thurs 9:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
This course aims to provide a comprehensive approach to studying vocal production and applying these concepts in a teaching context. Fundamentals of healthy vocal production, anatomy, and physiology will be reviewed as students develop more critical listening and observational skills necessary to assess a singer's strengths and needs.
Teaching Method
Lectures and discussions
In-class group listening and evaluations of audio and video examples
In-class teaching
Reading assignments
Outside class lesson observations
Final presentations
Class Materials (Required)
Ragan, K (2020). A Systematic Approach to Voice:The Art of Studio Application. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing ISBN 13:978-1-63550-223-7 $52 (Amazon)