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Music Semiotics (530-0-1)


Danuta Mirka

Meeting Info

RCMA 1-180: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Conventionally, semiotics is defined as the study of signs, and a sign is defined as "something that stands for something else." The rise of semiotics as an intellectual movement of the twentieth century resulted in the development of music semiotics, which brought about new analytical methods, diverging from the mainstream analytical toolkit, and built up a conceptual framework for the study of musical meaning. In this course we will read the most important texts published by the exponents of this field and test the concepts and analytical methods proposed by them in order to appreciate the nature of music as a sign and to grasp this "something else" for which music stands.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the class the student will be expected to have become familiar with the most important concepts of music semiotics and the analytical methods developed by exponents of this field.

Class Materials (Required)