Style and Phrase (325-0-1)
Vasili Byros
Vasili Byros received his PhD in music theory from Yale University in 2009. He researches the compositional, listening, and pedagogical practices of the long 18th century from a holistic perspective that combines schema theory, Formenlehre, topic theory, and historical pedagogies, in order to reconstruct “insider” perspectives on music of the period. In 2017 he was awarded the Outstanding Publication Award from the Society for Music Theory and the Charles Deering McCormick Professorship from Northwestern. He is currently working on a book project on period composition from technical, aesthetic, and philosophical positions, through the lens of his own historical compositions.
Meeting Info
RCMA 1-180: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Style and Phrase
An investigation of the musical phrase in the long 18th century (1680-1830) from the perspective of schema theory. A schema is a typically short, memorable pattern defined by a characteristic pairing of scale degree progressions in the melody and bass, and an accompanying harmonic progression. Such schemata are the essential building blocks of composition in the long 18th century. Their different variations, realizations, and combinations are definitive markers of style both at the level of a particular historical period and a composer's individual voice.
Class Materials (Required)
No required materials.