Topics in 17th Century Music (352-0-1)
Desire, Drama, and Sorcery
Linda Austern
Office Hours: E-mail instructor to arrange a meeting.
Specialist in Renaissance and baroque musical-cultural relations, gender and feminist theory, European iconography, music as related to visual art and the early history of science. Recipient of major fellowships and research grants, including American Council of Learned Societies, British Academy, Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute (Radcliffe College/Harvard University), and National Endowment for the Humanities. Author, Music in English Children's Drama of the Later Renaissance (Gordon and Breach, 1992), Music in English Life and Thought 1550-1650 (forthcoming); editor, Music, Sensation and Sensuality (Routledge, 2002), editor, Music and the Sirens (Indiana University Press, 2006). Author of numerous articles and reviews in books and such journals as Journal of the American Musicological Society, Modern Philology, Music and Letters, and Renaissance Quarterly.
Meeting Info
RCMA Lower Level 121: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
This course considers musical-dramatic works from the Baroque era that feature desire, madness and other extreme affective states in the presence of malevolent or disruptive forces. Such depicitons and works additionally reflect on the era's changing ideas about masculinity, femininity, and Western encounters with global peoples as well as retelling stories from an older literary heritage.
Registration Requirements
Juniors, seniors and graduate students
Teaching Method
Class Materials (Required)
Class Materials (Suggested)