Intro to Dynamic Systems (390-0-20)
Ed Colgate
Technological Institute, Rm B282, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS
Meeting Info
Tech Institute Lecture Room 4: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Modeling the dynamic behavior of physical systems. Concepts of causality, dependent and independent storages, and state. Introduction to bond graphs. Generation of state equations; analytical and computer simulation of system behavior. Application to problems of engineering interest.
Who takes it
Juniors and seniors in Mechanical Engineering take this course. Many first year graduate students in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering also take it. Many students take ME 390 to become familiar with dynamic analysis and to prepare for ELEC_ENG 390, Feedback control systems.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: MECH_ENG 241-0, CIV_ENV 216-0, GEN_ENG 205-4
Learning Objectives
Many engineering components can be described in terms of energy. Resistors and dashpots dissipate energy. Springs, masses, capacitors, and inductors store energy but do not generate it or dissipate it. Still other components such as gears, levers and motors convert energy from one form to another. In this course you will learn how complex engineering systems can be described in terms of small number of basic energetic components. ME 390 considers especially the dynamic behavior of engineering systems, including descriptors such as time constants, natural frequency and damping ratio, and frequency response.
Models, dynamics, simulation
Bond graphing
Energy storages, Energy sources
Laplace Transforms
First and Second order response
Bode plots