Finite Elements for Stress Analysis (327-0-20)
Wing Liu
Technological Institute, Rm A326, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS
Office Hours:
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G15: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Introduction to the finite-element method for stress analysis, with emphasis on linear elasticity. Computer implementation of finite element techniques: finite-element code development and modification; use of commercial codes.
Students interested in gaining a deeper appreciation of the mechanics of deformable solids are welcome to take this course. Typically, students in Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanical engineering take this course in their junior or senior years.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: MATH 234 or CIV_ENG 216.
Learning Objectives
As structures and mechanisms grow more complex, so do the demands put on material from which they are built. Without thorough understanding of the stress imposed on the structure, and exact computation, these structures would never be possible. This course will familiarize students with the basic concepts of finite-element method for stress analysis, and computer implementation. The course will focus on topic specific programming and usage of commercial codes popular in the industry.
Class Materials (Required)
A First Course in Finite Elements, Ted Belytschko and Jacob Fish, John Wiley, 2007, ISBN 0470035803.