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The Evolving Role of the Law Department in the Modern Corporation and Legal Industry (664-1)


Suzanne Sutkowski

Thomas Finke

Meeting Info

Rubloff Building 175: Mon 4:30PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

This seminar will examine the history and evolution of legal protections for abortion, contraception and other reproductive health care. We will look at state and federal constitutional, statutory and common law theories used to secure and protect these rights. We will explore current threats and growing barriers to access, including ever-expanding assertions of religious beliefs to limit access to reproductive health care. We will also look at advocacy strategies for addressing those threats and barriers. Grades are based on a final paper and class participation.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students will understand:

(i) the impact of changes in the legal industry on law departments and the relationship between law departments and law firms

(ii) the fundamental principles that underlie effective management of a law department and management of outside counsel

(iii) the roles and responsibilities of General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officers and the duties they owe to their stakeholders

(iv) the roles and responsibilities of several functional areas within a law department, including M&A, intellectual property and litigation

Class Attributes

Business/Corporate transactions an element

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll