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Structured Transactions: Sports Law and Negotiations (633L-1)


Cliff Stein

Meeting Info

Rubloff Building 180: Tues 4:30PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

Structuring Transactions: Sports Law and Negotiations. This course has a primary emphasis on teaching the art of contract negotiation with a focus exclusively on the player contract negotiation process. Numerous principles of negotiation (consistent with the Northwestern Law School Basic and Advanced Negotiation courses) will be incorporated into the course, the teaching materials, and the reading assignments, along with the real-life stories of a veteran NFL Negotiator with extensive experience working on both sides of the deal (Potential Speakers - Industry experts - TBD - may also be part of the curriculum - to help bring the material to life). The course will teach the PRPP Model (Parties, Rules, Preparation, Plan) which is designed to give the students a full 360-degree view of the process, building long-term relationships. and maintaining a strong perspective from both sides of the negotiation table. Simulated contract negotiations will be used for critical thinking and analysis to emphasize the components of the PRPP Model, as well as the practical application of the negotiation principles to the player contract negotiation process.

Learning Objectives

The basics for putting together a negotiation plan for a professional athlete contract negotiation.

Class Materials (Required)

Reading materials will be provided by the instructor

Class Notes

Use this class as an opportunity to build confidence as a negotiator and to build your personal negotiation skills. To be able to assess your own personality style and the style of others and how to use this information to strategize in any negotiation setting.

Class Attributes

Business/Corporate transactions an element

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll