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Global Culture and Communication (389-0-70)


Mariam Karim

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 2-201: Mon, Wed 10:00AM - 11:15AM (AST)

Overview of class

Whether it is the latest hit song that you hear everywhere from the local radio station to iTunes or it is a new video game that you play online with ‘friends' half way around the world (the song that may be featured in the video game that is based on a movie, itself available as a book), there is some ‘global culture' that pervades our everyday lives through communication industries and messages. The course is divided in three modules to cover media, critical and cultural studies concepts and methods to study (1) industries (2) messages and (3) audiences. Ultimately, the course is designed to inspire students to pose intriguing research questions for research projects as communicators, journalists, or simply curious humans. The approach will be comparative and multicultural, which will be reflected in the reading material, the lectures, discussions, and assignments.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Open to juniors and above

  • Open for cross-registration

  • Satisfies Media and Politics Minor

  • Sophomore students may contact the instructor for permission to register.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for sophomore, juniors, and seniors only.