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Podcasting (305-0-70)


Scheherazade Safla

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 1-225: Tues, Su 10:00AM - 11:15AM (AST)

Overview of class

This course will introduce you to audio storytelling that combines in-depth reporting with strong, character-driven narrative features. Such stories commonly appear on established podcasts like This American Life, Radiolab and Embedded and many others. The course will run as a small newsroom, complete with pitch meetings and workshops. After a quick introduction to audio equipment, you will create two broadcast-worthy audio features. You will produce your stories through an editing workflow and will workshop each other's' stories. We'll cover how to best write for the ear, and you'll receive coaching to record narration in the studio. We will spend time every week listening to excellent audio stories to help you learn to identify what makes for good radio story subjects and sources.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Sophomores and above, Journalism majors only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Journalism majors only sophomore and above