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Exploring Environment Justice (304-0-70)


Sayeed Mohammed

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 1-302: Tues, Su 4:00PM - 5:15PM (AST)

Overview of class

This course begins by examining the philosophical foundations and history of the environmental justice movement and concepts such as justice, race and class. Sustainability and equality, whether socially, economically or environmentally, at the national, regional, and global levels, cannot be achieved unless the underlying causes of environmental and social inequity are understood and addressed. This course will focus on struggles in the Global South. Through case studies, readings, and films, we will examine the following questions: How is it that certain groups of people do not have access to basic resources, or are systematically burdened with pollution or environmental hazards to a greater extent than other groups? What are the social relations of production and power that contribute to these outcomes? What can be done? How do we define "environmental justice"?

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Open to Sophomores and above

  • Open for cross-registration

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for sophomore, juniors, and seniors only.