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Topics in Literature: (242-0-70)


Contemporary World Literature


Jonathan Weldon

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 1-213: Tues, Su 5:30PM - 6:45PM (AST)

Overview of class

What do we mean by world literature, when the world itself shifts and changes, develops and regresses, over time and place? How can literature be worldly? How do practices of production, circulation and reception contribute to shaping this category of texts? In addressing these and other questions, this course will explore a wide variety of contemporary works by such authors as Marjane Satrapi, Jean Rhys, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Chinua Achebe, Kamila Shamsie, and Margaret Atwood.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Open to First-Year Students, Sophomores and ABP Dual Enrolled students

  • Open for Cross-Registration

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Seats are reserved for Sophomore and Freshmen only.